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Lazy Bee Coffee

At Lazy Bee, we directly work with estates to understand how the coffee is grown and processed. Tasting and grading coffee is an important process that we undertake to determine the quality of beans. It takes into account the region of growth, altitude, variety, and the method of processing in each estate. Our team ensures that the coffee we source is classified and rated as specialty grade.

The beans we select are roasted in a state-of-the-art coffee roaster to bring out the right flavours that would tangle your right tastebuds. We formulate different roast profiles based on the coffee beans we’ve sourced and the brewing requirements.

To create a specialty blend, our coffee tasting experts artistically blend different types of coffee, based on the flavour profile of beans, to create blends that have unique cup profiles and flavour notes. While regular coffee is just energising, our specialty blends come with a guarantee of quality with its artisanal stages of production.

Right from the seed to your warm cup of coffee, Lazy Bee takes an ecstatic nutty journey only for your taste buds.

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